A pregnant expectant mother packing baby clothes to bring in her hospital bag - What I Pack In My Hospital Bag

Get ready to pack your hospital bag to welcome your new baby!

Looking back at my first childbirth, I have definitely overpacked my hospital bag. There were items either the hospital had provided them, or I ended up not using them thus they were just added weight. Hence for my second birth, I had reduced the number of items I brought.


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When Should You Pack Your Hospital Bag?

You should definitely pack early about a month before your due date except for last minute items such as mobile charger and toothbrush. Jot down those items to be packed later on a piece of post-it note and place it on your bag. You will never know if suddenly you are going into labour earlier than expected.


Here is what I had packed in my hospital bag the second time round:


Items for Mother:

  • Hospital Documents. Birth plan and identification card. My hospital has a copy of my birth plan already but it is good to have on hand.
  • 1 Set of Clothes. To wear when going home.
  • Nursing Bra. If you plan to breastfeed. I prefer the extra coverage from the hospital’s nursing gown pockets for breastfeeding.
  • Cardigan. To wear when sleeping at night as it can get cold if the ward is air-conditioned.
  • Socks
  • Waterproof Slippers. For use in the ladies room.
  • Loose pants. Again, I prefer the extra coverage for my legs from the nursing gown.
  • Maternity pads. Just a few extra pieces only just in case as the hospital will be providing.
  • Nipple Cream. If you plan on breastfeeding, it helps to protect and heal your nipples from cracking and becoming sore.
  • Toiletries. Toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, hairbands, facial cleanser and spectacles.
  • Nursing Cover
  • Mobile Phone
  • Phone Charger. You may want to bring an extended charging wire as the charging outlets may be far from the bedside.
  • Water Bottle.
  • Zicloc/Plastic/Wet bags. For wet slippers and dirty laundry.
  • Wet wipes. For use after eating so you need not walk to the sink to wash your hands. Or to freshen your face.
  • Small Mirror
  • Energy snacks. For eating later on after birth. I brought dates, mixed nuts and granola bars.
  • Extra foldable canvas bag. For freebies and miscellaneous items.



  • Do ensure personal belongings such as identification card and mobile phones are kept with your partner instead of in the hospital bag, which may be left unattended in the ward instead of the delivery room.
  • An infant car seat is an essential item if you have a car and driving home in it. We had a family member who drove us home instead as we did not have a car.


Items for Father:

  • Mobile phone
  • Charger
  • Snacks
  • Water bottle
  • Coins. For use in hospital’s vending machines.
  • Pen and correction tape. For filling up any paperwork.
  • Powerbank
  • Jacket


A pregnant mother holding onto a pair of booties with brown bears - What I Pack In My Hospital Bag
A pregnant mother holding onto a pair of booties with brown bears.


Items for Baby:

  • Baby clothes. Bring 2 sets of different sizes, one for newborn size and another for 0 to 3 months old as you will not know if your baby is big or small in size.
  • Mittens
  • Booties
  • Hat
  • Swaddle/Towel/Blanket
  • Diaper Rash Cream


Items Provided by the Hospital (Optional items to consider):

Optional Items to Bring:

  • Nursing Pads. Your breastmilk may come in once you are back home instead of at the hospital.
  • Digital Camera. We just use our smart phones to take photos and videos.


I hope this list is useful to you. Do check with your hospital on which items they provide so you can omit from bringing them.


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Also, do check out my post on the 10 Pregnancy Must-Haves for Moms-to-be.

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