Get these essential postpartum care kit for your after childbirth!

Postpartum care is not a one-size-fits-all experience. Whether it’s your first child or fifth, every new mom needs support and encouragement at this exciting yet challenging time in your life.


Giving birth and caring for a newborn can take a toll on the body and mind. To help ease the transition into parenthood and promote healthy recovery, postpartum care kits are an excellent resource.


Not just any kit will do, so I’ve put together an ultimate postpartum care kit list with everything you need to get your life back after having a baby.


Check out this fantastic postpartum care kit list that will help you recover faster and move forward stronger.


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The Ultimate Postpartum Care Kit for New Mothers

What Do I Need In My Postpartum Care Kit?

You will be needing lots of these. Maternity pads will help absorb the discharge from the lochia, which typically lasts 6 to 8 weeks after delivery. They are much thicker and more absorbent than regular sanitary pads. If you need the extra protection, look for ones with wings.

Disposable underwear is a must-have for postpartum care. Not only are they comfortable and convenient, but they also prevent any further irritation to the area.

A must-have for postpartum care, a peri bottle will help you rinse the area after using the toilet. This can help prevent infections and make you more comfortable. Look for one with a soft tip for gentle cleaning.

Padsicles are basically giant ice packs for your nether regions! Immediately after giving birth, you’ll be sore – and padsicles can help soothe that discomfort. Or you can make them at home. Simply soak maxi pads in witch hazel and aloe vera, freeze them overnight, and then use them as needed during the postpartum period.

5. Pain Relievers

Pain relievers such as ibuprofen can help with any discomfort associated with postpartum healing. Be sure to follow the instructions on the package and only take as directed.


Herbal remedies like chamomile and peppermint tea can also help to reduce pain and swelling.

Constipation is common after childbirth due to changes in hormones and diet. A stool softener can help keep things regular and prevent discomfort. Be sure to check with your doctor before taking any type of medication and don’t forget to drink plenty of water.

A sitz bath soak is also great for postpartum care as it helps to soothe and cleanse the perineal area. It can also help with hemorrhoids, which are common after delivery.

To use a sitz bath, fill the basin with warm water and add two to four cups of Epsom salts or baking soda and soak the perineal area for 20 minutes. This can be done up to three times a day, and can provide relief from soreness and swelling.

So grab your sitz bath and enjoy a relaxing postpartum experience!

Perineal spray can help reduce swelling, itching, and pain in the area after birth. It’s also great for relieving discomfort when using the bathroom or wiping. Look for a natural spray with ingredients like witch hazel, aloe vera, and lavender oil.

Nursing bras are designed to provide comfort and support while breastfeeding your baby. Look for adjustable straps and breathable materials to ensure a good fit that won’t irritate your skin.

Nipple cream can provide relief from soreness or cracking during breastfeeding. Look for a natural, lanolin-free option.

Nursing pads can help protect your clothing from leaks and keep your nipples dry. Look for a breathable and absorbent option to keep you comfortable.

A postpartum belly wrap or binder can help provide support to the abdominal muscles after delivery, as well as reduce swelling and discomfort in the area.

It can also help to shrink your uterus, support your core following childbirth and help with posture, which is especially important if you’ve been carrying a baby for nine months!

Plus, it can provide some shape back to your tummy quickly and easily. Look for a comfortable, adjustable option that fits your body type.

A bidet can make hygiene much easier during this time. Postpartum discharge can make it difficult to clean yourself after using the restroom, and a bidet can provide much-needed relief. Not only that, but a bidet can help with hemorrhoid pain, which is incredibly common in the postpartum period.

A postpartum care kit can provide the essentials for your recovery, such as healing herbs, special soaps, and other items to help ease your discomfort. You can find postpartum care kits online or at your local health food store.

By having a postpartum care kit ready, it can help you feel excited and prepared for the new journey of motherhood.

Having all of the basics in one place can also give you peace of mind, knowing that you are well-equipped and ready to take care of your baby and yourself.


Postpartum care is an important part of the journey to becoming a new parent. With adequate preparation and support, you can ensure that you’re given the best possible chance to look after yourself and your precious new addition. From stocking up on basic supplies to making sure you have a support network around you, postpartum care is something that should not be taken lightly. It can help give you a smoother transition into the role of a parent, allowing you to enjoy those magical moments with your baby without worrying about the little things.


Are you feeling overwhelmed and anxious as a new mother? Read these 40 Affirmations for Motherhood whenever you’re feeling low to help you go through those hard times. You can do this Mama!

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