When you welcome your new baby home from the hospital, life as you know it changes forever. You now have a tiny human relying on you for everything – food, warmth, comfort and companionship. Suddenly, your life revolves around feedings, diaper changes, nappy alarms and sleepless nights. Of course, this new chapter won’t be scary for long. Soon enough, you will start to fall back in love with parenthood and rediscover the joys of this special phase. As we all know from personal experience or the experiences of friends and family members who have also become parents recently, those first few months can feel challenging and exhausting at times. Navigating this brand-new world while simultaneously learning how to be a parent is no small feat! Here are 6 tips on how to survive the newborn stage as best you can.
How long is the newborn stage?
It can last anywhere from a couple of weeks to several months, depending on the child. The newborn stage is often a very busy time for parents, who will be adjusting to the new addition to their family. During this time, parents will often be very sleep deprived, so it is important to make sure that they are well looked after. At this time, it is most important to have lots of rest and make sure that you are getting as much sleep as possible. It is also important that you eat well, as a healthy diet will keep you both healthy and energetic. It is also important to work on your stress levels.
When does the newborn stage get easier?
It may seem like those first few months go on forever, but trust me: They do get easier. In fact, most parents agree that the first 3–4 months are the hardest, and the rest is smooth sailing.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed and like you can’t go one more day, know that you’re not alone. Many new parents experience postpartum anxiety or depression during the first 3–6 months, and that’s normal. It’s not something to be ashamed of; it’s normal.
What can you do to make the first few months easier? Expect a roller coaster of emotions. You will likely experience a wide range of feelings during this time, from elated to completely exhausted. Know that these ups and downs are normal and you are not alone. It’s common to feel anxiety, fear, or even panic during this time.
Take advantage of resources. There are plenty of online and in-person resources available to new parents. From local support groups to online forums, there are people you can reach out to for help.
6 Tips on How to Survive the Newborn Stage
1. Make a plan
Before your baby is even born, you should make a plan for the first few months of parenthood. One of the most important aspects of making a plan is setting priorities. For example, if you work from home or are lucky enough to be able to take time off, your main priority should be getting rest. You will need to be well-rested to be able to handle the challenges of the newborn stage. Your second priority should be staying hydrated and eating healthy meals and snacks regularly. If you are breastfeeding, you will need to factor in extra time for pumping.
If you work outside of the home during the day, your priorities will likely be different. You need to take care of your baby, but you also need to make sure you are getting all of your work done. This can be challenging in the beginning, but you can do it if you plan ahead. If you are breastfeeding, you should try to pump at work to build up a stash of milk.
2. Establish a bedtime routine
Your baby has heard the sound of your heartbeat and the rhythm of your breathing for the first few months of her life. She has also been surrounded by your smell. Your smell will change as you move through the day, but the overall scent that she associates with you will remain the same. This will help her feel secure and relaxed as she drifts off to sleep, which is important for newborns and infants.
After your baby has been fed, changed and is ready for bed, make sure you follow a regular bedtime routine. This will be helpful for both you and your baby as it will help you wind down and become ready for sleep and it will help your baby understand what is happening and know what to expect. During this time, you can do activities that will help you and your baby relax. Some examples of things you can do are reading a book, singing a lullaby or rocking your baby in your arms.
3. Have freezer meals or a meal subscription service
You will be very busy with a brand new baby in the house. It is a very exhausting time, and you will probably be exhausted from being pregnant for so long. Having some quick and easy meals in the freezer will be a lifesaver. Having a meal delivery service is another great option for quick, healthy meals. You can also make sure you have foods that are quick and easy to make. Sandwiches, soups, and other foods that don’t require much preparation are a great option. You will also be very sleep deprived and having quick and easy foods will make it a lot easier on how one can survive the newborn stage.
4. Have a diaper station
As soon as your baby is born, you will need to have a designated diaper station in your home. You’ll want to store plenty of diapers, wipes and ointments as well as change tables and other baby-changing supplies. Make sure you have easy access to everything you need. You can use a large basket that is easy to move around the room or a wall-mounted diaper caddy. If you have a smaller baby, you might want a smaller diaper caddy that you can easily store on a shelf or in a cupboard. As your baby grows, you can move to a larger caddy that has more storage space.
5. Ask for help from friends and family
If possible, try to ask for help from friends and family. It will be helpful for you as a new parent and it will also help you to feel less isolated and stressed. You might not feel like you have the time or energy to ask for help, but it can make a huge difference. You can ask for anything from someone coming over to watch your baby so you can take a nap to having friends or family bring you meals or clean your house. It doesn’t matter what you ask for or when you ask for it. All that matters is that you feel comfortable asking for help when you need it.
6. Take care of yourself physically and mentally
Parenting is more than just feeding, changing and cuddling your baby. It also involves being a role model and setting boundaries. It involves setting a positive example and instilling good values in your child. It involves being patient, kind, honest and responsible as well as being loving and empathetic. You might feel like you need to take everything on yourself, but it is important to take care of yourself mentally and physically. Take some time each day to do something that you enjoy and that gives you time to rest and reflect. This might be taking a walk, reading a book, meditating, journaling or doing yoga. Whatever it is, make sure you are taking time for yourself every single day.
The newborn stage is an exciting time, but it can also be hectic and challenging. With the right tips and tricks up your sleeve, you’ll be able to survive and thrive as a new parent. Remember, there is no right or wrong way to do things as a parent. As long as you are loving and caring for your child, you are doing everything that you can. The tips above on how to survive the newborn stage will help you get through the first few months with a newborn baby.
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For more tips on caring for a newborn, check out this post on How to Take Care of a Newborn Baby.