As a mom of two kids, I’ve spent a lot of time with diaper bags. And as you might imagine, my approach to packing one has changed a little bit from the first time around. When you’re staring at an empty nursery for the first time, it can feel like there are a million things you need to buy.


However, as your little one gets older and starts going on longer trips, that list changes pretty quickly. When you’re prepping for your new little one, having a solid diaper bag checklist can help immensely. There are so many small things that don’t occur to expect until they become essential.


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Diaper Bag Checklist for Newborn Baby

Change Equipment


Feeding Equipment


Clothing Essentials


Older Babies’ Essentials

Diaper Bag Checklist: Feeding utensils such as plate, spoon, fork and bib for older babies



Miscellaneous Items

  • Hand sanitizer
  • Extra Masks
  • Sunscreen lotion
  • Umbrella
  • First-aid kit
  • Sanitary Pads


Diaper Bag Packing Tips

Diaper Bag Checklist: A green diaper bag with two milk bottles


When you’re packing your bag, try to keep everything as organized as possible. You can use packing cubes to keep your clothing and diapers separate from everything else. You can also use a smaller bag to keep your essentials close by.


When you’re packing, remember to keep your bag uncluttered. That will make it easy to find things when you need them and keep your bag from becoming too heavy.


Finally, don’t forget to have fun with it. In the end, a diaper bag is just another thing you’ll have to carry around with you. Make it something you enjoy using and something that makes you happy every time you pick it up.



No matter what type of parent you are, you’ll want to make sure to have the right tools to make life a little easier. This will be especially true when you’re dealing with the sleep deprivation that comes with new parenthood. When you have everything you need within easy reach, you’ll find that life with a baby is a little bit more manageable. However, you also want to make sure you don’t go overboard and make your bag too heavy. Keep in mind that babies grow quickly, so you may have to replace some of your equipment sooner than you think. With that in mind, it’s a good idea to keep your receipt for anything you buy for the first few months of your baby’s life. Download the free Diaper Bag Checklist here to start preparing for outings with your little one.


Did you find this Diaper Bag Checklist: Newborn Baby Essentials useful? Be sure to share them on Pinterest!


Are you preparing to welcome a newborn baby in the near future? Check out this Baby Essentials Checklist: Best Guide to Baby Shopping to help guide you for your baby shopping needs.

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