Breastfeeding tips for newborns - A sleeping newborn baby wrapped in a baby wrap


Are you looking for breastfeeding tips for newborn as you just had a baby and want to learn all about breastfeeding to quickly succeed in it? You have come to the right place.


If you’ve recently given birth, the world may feel like it is always revolving around your newborn baby. And it is completely true and normal. You are probably exhausted from sleepless nights, trying to get your milk production going and adjusting to being a parent. In addition to all of these responsibilities and adjustments, you’ve also got to focus on something that most people don’t think about until they have a new baby: breastfeeding.


Breastfeeding is not always easy for every mother and child pair. There is a learning curve, as well as some trial and error in getting things just right. Once things start to click, though, there are plenty of tips that can make the process easier for any mom who is nursing her child. Here are 8 useful breastfeeding tips for newborn to help you in your breastfeeding journey:


8 Breastfeeding Tips for Newborn

1.      Get to Know Your Baby

Breastfeeding tips for newborns - A mother kissing her newborn baby's head


Even though you’ve already gotten to know your baby during pregnancy, it’s worth getting to know them again as a breastfeeding infant. That way, you’ll learn their signals that they are hungry and have a better idea of when they are full. If you have more than one child, this is especially important, because every child will feed differently. You’ll also be able to identify any concerns that your child could be experiencing with their feeding style.


There may be some things that both breastfed and formula-fed babies have in common, as well as things that are specific to breastfeeding. One thing that is specific to breastfeeding, for example, is colostrum. Colostrum is a newborn’s first milk, and it is high in vitamin and protein content. It is usually only produced until your milk production fully kicks in, which is usually in about 2-3 weeks. Formula milk is not as rich, and therefore not as high in these same vitamins and minerals.


2.      Watch for Early Signs of Mastitis

If you are breastfeeding, you’ve got to keep a close eye out for signs of mastitis. Mastitis is an infection of the breast tissue that is often caused by too-tight clothing or an improper position while breastfeeding. It can also be brought on by an underlying health issue. Mastitis can be extremely painful. It can also lead to a breast abscess if it is not treated properly.


Mastitis can be treated with antibiotics, but if you regularly have it, you may want to consider looking at your breastfeeding position and your breastfeeding routine to see if there are any changes that you can make.


3.      Make Nursing Comfortable

Breastfeeding can be very comfortable for both you and your child, but it is important to get the right position. You can place a pillow or two behind your back to make breastfeeding more comfortable. You can also breastfeed while sitting in a rocking chair if you have one. Be sure to keep a good posture while you are breastfeeding by sitting up straight and avoiding slouching. This will also help you to avoid back pain during breastfeeding.


A breastfeeding pillow can help to make breastfeeding more comfortable, as well. While breastfeeding, you can make your clothing more comfortable by wearing a loose-fitting shirt. Avoid wearing anything that is too tight, such as a bra, as this can make breastfeeding more challenging. You can also make breastfeeding more comfortable by avoiding caffeine, which can cause you to be more dehydrated.


4.      Hold, Sit and Rock Your Baby While Feeding

Newborns are often wobbly as they try to latch onto your breast. If you hold your baby against your chest, you can use your hands to help keep things in place. This will allow your little one to latch on easily, which will make breastfeeding much easier for the both of you. You can also sit in a rocking chair, which will make it even easier for your newborn to latch on.


If you struggle with breastfeeding, you may want to consider hiring a lactation consultant. This person can provide you with support, help you with positioning and suggest ways to make breastfeeding as easy as possible. Lactation consultants do charge a fee, but many insurance providers will cover the cost.


5.      Don’t Rush Between Breasts

Breastfeeding tips for newborns - Pumped breastmilk stored in milk storage bags


Many moms make the mistake of trying to pump between breastfeeding sessions, but this can actually affect your supply. Instead, wait until your baby is done nursing and then start pumping. This will ensure that your supply is maximized, and you aren’t wasting any time or effort. You should also try not to rush when breastfeeding, as rushing can make it more challenging for you or your baby.


If you are in a hurry, you may be more likely to rush your position or your baby may sense your stress and hurry as well. If you take the time to calm yourself, your baby and your surroundings, you will find it much easier to relax and breastfeed.


6.      Use a Quality Latching Aid When You’re Starting Out

If you have a challenging time with breastfeeding, you may want to consider using a nursing supplementer – also known as a nipple shield. This is a nipple covering that is worn over the nipple and breast during breastfeeding. It helps to protect the nipples of mothers who have sore nipples, breast infections or other breastfeeding complications.


A nipple shield helps to protect the nipples and provides a barrier for the baby to latch on to the breast. It allows the infant to receive the benefits of breastfeeding, but without hurting the mother. These devices are often used in the first few weeks of breastfeeding to reduce the risk of nipple pain. However, they are not recommended for long-term use. If you use a nipple shield, you should take extra care to clean it regularly and replace it often to ensure that it is safe for both you and your child.


7.      Try Different Positions for Successful Feeding

A lot of people assume that you have to hold your baby in an upright position while breastfeeding, but this isn’t always the case. There are a variety of different positions that can help you to nurse your baby.


  • Cradle Hold: This position is good for babies who are 9 weeks or older. The baby is cradled in the mother’s arms, with their head above the breast.

  • Football Hold: This position is good for babies who are 8 weeks or older. The baby is cradled in the mother’s arms, with their head below the breast.

  • Side Lying: This position is good for babies who are 9 weeks or older. The baby and mother both lie on their sides, with the breast in between them. You can also put a pillow between you and the baby to help bring your bodies closer together.

  • Back Lying: This position is good for babies who are 8 weeks or older. The mother lies on her back with her legs bent at the knees and a pillow under her hips. The baby lays in between the mother’s legs on his back with his head toward his mother’s feet.


8.      Take Good Care of Your Breasts and the Rest of Your Body

If you are breastfeeding, your body is working hard to make the right amount of milk for your baby. You need to make sure that you are taking care of yourself so you can be healthy and energized while you do so. A good way to do this is to get plenty of sleep, drink plenty of water and eat healthy, nutritious foods. You can also talk with your doctor about supplements that may help you to produce more milk if you feel like you aren’t producing enough.



Breastfeeding is a beautiful experience and a truly rewarding one. It can also be challenging, especially for the first few months. If you follow these breastfeeding tips for newborn, you are more likely to have a successful breastfeeding experience. Hang in there Mama!


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