A toddler boy laying side by side with his sibling baby - Tips to manage with a toddler and a newborn baby

Are you expecting another child and wondering how to manage both a toddler and a newborn baby? Both have their own set of demands and needs to be met. Juggling to fulfil them can sometimes be overwhelming and requires determination and patience. Here are 8 tips that I learned in managing my toddler and newborn baby.


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1)   Prepare Before Baby Arrives

Prepare baby’s clothes, crib and items as much as you can even before your third trimester. Being heavier than my first pregnancy, I was easily tired and breathless and have a limited ability to do physical work in my last trimester.


Hence leaving it till the late stages is not a very good idea. With everything in order ahead of time, you would not be scrambling to get things ready with a newborn and toddler later.


2)   Seek and Accept Help

Prior to giving birth, list down the chores that you would like help with and just ASK for help. Getting your partner and family members on board earlier gives you a peace of mind. You need not order around or shy away from seeking help.


My partner lent a hand with the laundry and cleaning while my mother helped to look after my toddler for the first two weeks. This gives you time to adjust with an addition into your family and slowly work out a routine once you are on your own with both little ones. You will also be able to get the rest you needed.


3)   Be Realistic & Adjust Your Expectations

With two or more children, you will find yourself busier than ever in trying to take care of everyone’s needs and wants on top of the household duties. Know that it is just NOT possible to be a Superhero mom and do everything. You will just end up being exhausted.


Create a to-do list and be selective of the things to get done each day since time, energy and resources are limited. Learn to let go of doing certain tasks for another day.


4)   Simplify tasks

Online shopping


If getting out of the door to run errands seems difficult and anxiety inducing, streamline through doing them online. From ordering groceries, baby items to clothes, doing it online saves you time and energy and prevent impulse purchases.


Being able to complete a task from start to finish may also seem impossible at times with two young children. Break tasks up and spread it throughout the day. For example, prepare and cut the ingredients for dinner in the morning and store them in the refrigerator. Come dinner time, everything will be ready to just be cooked.


5)   Wear Your Baby

Carrying my newborn in a wrap or carrier has been a lifesaver when I needed to get things done. Be it cooking, cleaning or attending to my toddler. Baby feel snugged and secure with Mama whilst toddler is content that Mama is able to give her the attention she needs.


As my baby grew and gained weight, I will wear him and find that right timing to put him down in his crib as soon as he fell asleep so he would not be easily woken up.


6)   Be Consistent with toddler’s routine

A toddler girl in purple pyjamas playing under her checkered yellow and white blanket - Tips on how to manage with a toddler and a newborn baby
A toddler girl in purple pyjamas playing under her checkered yellow and white blanket.


Try to stick with the usual routines that your toddler is familiar with if possible. If you are breastfeeding baby, do try to get help from your partner to settle your toddler instead. Toddlers love routines as they will know what to expect, will follow through and this can potentially avoid any meltdowns down the road.


If being consistent is not possible, make adjustments and be flexible with the timings. Both you and your toddler will slowly but surely be used to the new unpredictable norm with a baby.

7)   Involve Toddler In Caring for Baby & Daily Chores

Buying a baby doll beforehand and teaching your toddler how to be gentle and care for it work wonders. She will be eager to feed her baby doll too when it is baby’s feeding time. During diaper changes or chores like laundry, your toddler will be more than happy to help retrieve baby wipes and clothing. Give them a washcloth and see how they try to imitate you in wiping the tables and floors.


8)   Special Toys, Reading & Singing During Breastfeeding Sessions

Have a basket of special toys which you only bring out when you are breastfeeding baby. And be sure not to let your toddler discover where you hid it or you risked being asked for it every time! Among the toys, I included drawing materials such as erasable magic pens and markers which I can supervise.


Your toddler will be able to entertain herself for some time while you breastfeed in peace. Reading books and singing songs together are also ways to distract your toddler.



Preparation is key when you are expecting another child and have a toddler in tow. I hope you find these tips useful. Like they always say, enjoy and cherish every moment of it. This period of time when they are young is short and before we know it they have grown out of this phase. Hang in there Mamas. We got this!

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Are you expecting your first child or another child? Preparing for a baby is both exciting and nerve wrecking especially when you unexpectedly go into labour early. Check out what I pack in my hospital bag to get ready for labour.

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