A pregnant woman sitting on her bed having morning sickness.

Be relieved fast from morning sickness with these 10 simple tips!

Is morning sickness making you feel miserable when you just want to enjoy your pregnancy journey? I hear and feel for you! As tough as it is to get through the day sometimes, morning sickness will eventually come to an end. In the meantime, there are ways to help relieve it.


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What is morning sickness?

One of the early signs of pregnancy is morning sickness, which is nausea and vomiting. It is common among more than half of pregnant women and can start as early as six weeks. It does not harm baby though and can strike at any time and last all day long despite its name. While it normally ends around second semester, for some it can go on till further in their pregnancy.


Tips for dealing with morning sickness

Here are 10 tips for dealing with morning sickness and make you feel better:


1. Eat Right Foods

Choose foods that are easy to digest and bland. For example, toast, crackers, rice, bananas and dry cereal.

Having some dry foods such as crackers and biscuits before getting up from bed can help in reducing nausea.

Citrus and sour fruits such as dried sour plums, lemons and oranges also work for some women.

Consuming ginger is beneficial too. Try ginger ale, a ginger slice in plain water, ginger candy or ginger tea.

2. Have Smaller Meals

Eat smaller meals and snack throughout the day rather than having larger meals. You will less likely to feel too full or have an empty stomach, both of which may drive up nausea.

3. Stay Hydrated

A pregnant woman sipping a cup of water to combat morning sickness.
A pregnant woman sipping a cup of water to combat morning sickness.


Drink plenty of water around 6 to 8 glasses in a day to prevent dehydration. Try adding some flavour such as honey and lemon into plain water to make it more palatable. Sip a little water all day long instead of gulping down the whole glass.


4. Identify & Avoid Triggers

Jot down in a journal your nausea triggers so you can track and avoid them. Avoid foods that are spicy, fatty and oily. If certain smells and odours trigger your nausea, avoid them too. If you normally have morning sickness during a certain time in a day, prepare and standby the items and foods that can help you reduce the nausea.


5. Go Outside

Getting some fresh air and change of environment may do the trick instead of being cooped up at home or the office. Enjoy the scenery of nature to feel relax and calm.


6. Rest Well

Sometimes all you need is to take a break. Rest as much as you can as your body is hard at work in growing your baby.


7. Try Aromatherapy & Ointments

Take in a whiff from essential oils such as lemon oil, ginger oil and peppermint oil. Sniffing in ointments such as Axe Brand Medicated Oil that can give quick relief for colds and headaches can help to curb nausea too.


8. Distract Yourself

A pregnant woman working on her tablet to distract herself from morning sickness.
A pregnant woman working on her tablet to distract herself from morning sickness.


Divert your attention by doing something else. By distracting yourself, you will focus on completing the task at hand instead of your morning sickness.


9. Use Morning Sickness Bands

These bands are designed to reduce nausea as they put pressure on a certain part of your wrist that is thought to relieve morning sickness.


10. Take Pre-Natal Pills at Night

If taking in your pre-natal pills in the morning or during the day is hard to swallow and keep it down, take them at night instead and sleep it off.



Hope these tips are helpful in easing your queasiness. Be sure to prepare for emergencies such as a plastic bag for vomiting, bland foods and ointments when you are out and about. If you have severe morning sickness that disrupts your daily life or you are not able to keep foods down or losing weight etc, see a doctor immediately.


Have you tried any of these 10 tips for dealing with morning sickness? If you find them useful, be sure to share them on Pinterest!


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